Source code for web_monitoring_diff.server.server

from argparse import ArgumentParser
import asyncio
import codecs
import concurrent.futures
import hashlib
import inspect
import functools
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import pycurl
import re
import cchardet
import sentry_sdk
import signal
import sys
from tornado.curl_httpclient import CurlAsyncHTTPClient, CurlError
import tornado.simple_httpclient
import tornado.httpclient
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
import traceback
import web_monitoring_diff
from .. import basic_diffs, html_render_diff, html_links_diff
from ..exceptions import UndiffableContentError, UndecodableContentError
from ..utils import shutdown_executor_in_loop, Signal

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Track errors with It will automatically detect the `SENTRY_DSN`
# environment variable. If not set, all its methods will operate conveniently
# as no-ops.
# Tornado logs any non-success response at ERROR level, which Sentry captures
# by default. We don't really want those logs.

RESTART_BROKEN_DIFFER = os.environ.get('RESTART_BROKEN_DIFFER', 'False').strip().lower() == 'true'

# Map tokens in the REST API to functions in modules.
# The modules do not have to be part of the web_monitoring_diff package.
    "length": basic_diffs.compare_length,
    "identical_bytes": basic_diffs.identical_bytes,
    "side_by_side_text": basic_diffs.side_by_side_text,
    "links": html_links_diff.links_diff_html,
    "links_json": html_links_diff.links_diff_json,
    # applying diff-match-patch (dmp) to strings (no tokenization)
    "html_text_dmp": basic_diffs.html_text_diff,
    "html_source_dmp": basic_diffs.html_source_diff,
    "html_token": html_render_diff.html_diff_render,

# Optional, experimental diffs.
    from ..experimental import htmltreediff
    DIFF_ROUTES["html_tree"] = htmltreediff.diff
except ModuleNotFoundError:

    from ..experimental import htmldiffer
    DIFF_ROUTES["html_perma_cc"] = htmldiffer.diff
except ModuleNotFoundError:

# Matches a <meta> tag in HTML used to specify the character encoding:
# <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
# <meta charset="utf-8" />
META_TAG_PATTERN = re.compile(
    b'<meta[^>]+charset\\s*=\\s*[\'"]?([^>]*?)[ /;\'">]',

# Matches an XML prolog that specifies character encoding:
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
XML_PROLOG_PATTERN = re.compile(

    MAX_BODY_SIZE = int(os.environ.get('DIFFER_MAX_BODY_SIZE', 0))
    if MAX_BODY_SIZE < 0:
        print('DIFFER_MAX_BODY_SIZE must be >= 0', file=sys.stderr)
except ValueError:
    print('DIFFER_MAX_BODY_SIZE must be an integer', file=sys.stderr)

class LimitedCurlAsyncHTTPClient(CurlAsyncHTTPClient):
    A customized version of Tornado's CurlAsyncHTTPClient that adds support for
    maximum response body sizes. The API is the same as that for Tornado's
    SimpleAsyncHTTPClient: set ``max_body_size`` to an integer representing the
    maximum number of bytes in a response body.
    def initialize(self, max_clients=10, defaults=None, max_body_size=None):
        self.max_body_size = max_body_size
        defaults = defaults or {}
        defaults['prepare_curl_callback'] = self.prepare_curl
        super().initialize(max_clients=max_clients, defaults=defaults)

    def prepare_curl(self, curl):
        if self.max_body_size:
            # NOTE: cURL's docs suggest this doesn't work if the server doesn't
            # send a Content-Length header, but it seems to do just fine in
            # tests. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
            curl.setopt(pycurl.MAXFILESIZE, self.max_body_size)

HTTP_CLIENT = LimitedCurlAsyncHTTPClient
if os.getenv('USE_SIMPLE_HTTP_CLIENT'):
    HTTP_CLIENT = None

def get_http_client():
    return tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()

class PublicError(tornado.web.HTTPError):
    Customized version of Tornado's HTTP error designed for reporting publicly
    visible error messages. Please always raise this instead of calling
    `send_error()` directly, since it lets you attach a user-visible
    explanation of what went wrong.

    status_code : int, default: 500
        Status code for the response.
    public_message : str, optional
        Textual description of the error. This will be publicly visible in
        production mode, unlike `log_message`.
    log_message : str, optional
        Error message written to logs and to error tracking service. Will be
        included in the HTTP response only in debug mode. Same as the
        `log_message` parameter to `tornado.web.HTTPError`, but with no
    extra : dict, optional
        Dict of additional keys and values to include in the error response.
    def __init__(self, status_code=500, public_message=None, log_message=None,
                 extra=None, **kwargs):
        self.extra = extra or {}

        if public_message is not None:
            if 'error' not in self.extra:
                self.extra['error'] = public_message

            if log_message is None:
                log_message = public_message

        super().__init__(status_code, log_message, **kwargs)

class MockRequest:
    "An HTTPRequest-like object for local file:/// requests."
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = url

class MockResponse:
    "An HTTPResponse-like object for local file:/// requests."
    def __init__(self, url, body, headers=None):
        self.request = MockRequest(url)
        self.body = body
        self.headers = headers
        self.error = None

        if self.headers is None:
            self.headers = {}

        if 'Content-Type' not in self.headers:

    def _get_content_type_headers_from_url(url):
        # If the extension is not recognized, assume text/html
        headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}

        content_type, content_encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(url)

        if content_type is not None:
            headers['Content-Type'] = content_type

        if content_encoding is not None:
            headers['Content-Encoding'] = content_encoding

        return headers

DEBUG_MODE = os.environ.get('DIFFING_SERVER_DEBUG', 'False').strip().lower() == 'true'

    os.environ.get('VALIDATE_TARGET_CERTIFICATES', 'False').strip().lower() == 'true'

access_control_allow_origin_header = \

def initialize_diff_worker():
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)

class DiffServer(tornado.web.Application):
    terminating = False
    server = None

    def listen(self, port, address='', **kwargs):
        self.server = super().listen(port, address, **kwargs)
        return self.server

    async def shutdown(self, immediate=False):
        Shut down the server as gracefully as possible. If `immediate` is True,
        the server will kill any in-progress diff processes immediately.
        Otherwise, diffs are allowed to try and finish.
        self.terminating = True
        if self.server:
        await self.shutdown_differs(immediate)
        if self.server:
            await self.server.close_all_connections()

    async def shutdown_differs(self, immediate=False):
        """Stop all child processes used for running diffs."""
        differs = self.settings.get('diff_executor')
        if differs:
            if immediate:
                # NOTE: this might be fragile since we are grabbing a private
                # attribute. One alternative is to use psutil to find all child
                # pids and indiscriminately kill them, but that has its own
                # issues.
                for child in differs._processes.values():
                await shutdown_executor_in_loop(differs)

    async def quit(self, immediate=False, code=0):
        await self.shutdown(immediate=immediate)
        if code:

    def handle_signal(self, signal_type, frame):
        """Handle a signal by shutting down the application and IO loop."""
        loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current()

        async def shutdown_and_stop():
                immediate = self.terminating
                method = 'immediately' if immediate else 'gracefully'
                print(f'Shutting down server {method}...')
                await self.shutdown(immediate=immediate)
                print('Shutdown complete.')
            except Exception:
                logger.exception('Failed to gracefully stop server!')


class BaseHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):

    def set_default_headers(self):
        if access_control_allow_origin_header is not None:
            if 'allowed_origins' not in self.settings:
                self.settings['allowed_origins'] = \
                    set([origin.strip() for origin
                         in access_control_allow_origin_header.split(',')])
            req_origin = self.request.headers.get('Origin')
            if req_origin:
                allowed = self.settings.get('allowed_origins')
                if allowed and (req_origin in allowed or '*' in allowed):
                    self.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', req_origin)
            self.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true')
            self.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'x-requested-with')
            self.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, OPTIONS')

    def options(self):
        # no body

class DiffHandler(BaseHandler):
    # subclass must define `differs` attribute

    # If query parameters repeat, take last one.
    # Decode clean query parameters into unicode strings and cache the results.
    def decode_query_params(self):
        query_params = {k: v[-1].decode() for k, v in
        return query_params

    # Compute our own ETag header values.
    def compute_etag(self):
        # We're not actually hashing content for this, since that is expensive.
        validation_bytes = str(
            + self.request.path
            + str(self.decode_query_params())

        # Uses the "weak validation" directive since we don't guarantee that future
        # responses for the same diff will be byte-for-byte identical.
        etag = f'W/"{web_monitoring_diff.utils.hash_content(validation_bytes)}"'
        return etag

    async def get(self, differ):

        # Skip a whole bunch of work if possible.
        if self.check_etag_header():

        # Find the diffing function registered with the name given by `differ`.
            func = self.differs[differ]
        except KeyError:
            raise PublicError(404, f'Unknown diffing method: `{differ}`. '
                                   f'You can get a list of '
                                   f'supported differs from '
                                   f'the `/` endpoint.')

        query_params = self.decode_query_params()
        # The logic here is a bit tortured in order to allow one or both URLs
        # to be local files, while still optimizing the common case of two
        # remote URLs that we want to fetch in parallel.
            urls = {param: query_params.pop(param) for param in ('a', 'b')}
        except KeyError:
            raise PublicError(400,
                              'Malformed request. You must provide a URL '
                              'as the value for both `a` and `b` query '

        # TODO: Add caching of fetched URIs.
        requests = [self.fetch_diffable_content(url,
                                                query_params.pop(f'{param}_hash', None),
                    for param, url in urls.items()]
        content = await asyncio.gather(*requests)

        # Pass the bytes and any remaining args to the diffing function.
        res = await self.diff(func, content[0], content[1], query_params)
        res['version'] = web_monitoring_diff.__version__
        # Echo the client's request unless the differ func has specified
        # somethine else.
        res.setdefault('type', differ)

    async def fetch_diffable_content(self, url, expected_hash, query_params):
        Fetch and validate a content to diff from a given URL.
        response = None

        # For testing convenience, support file:// URLs in development.
        if url.startswith('file://'):
            if os.environ.get('WEB_MONITORING_APP_ENV') == 'production':
                raise PublicError(403, 'Local files cannot be used in '
                                       'production environment.')

            with open(url[7:], 'rb') as f:
                body =
                response = MockResponse(url, body)
        # Only support HTTP(S) URLs.
        elif not url.startswith('http://') and not url.startswith('https://'):
            raise PublicError(400,
                              f'URL must use HTTP or HTTPS protocol: "{url}"',
                              'Invalid URL for upstream content',
                              extra={'url': url})
            # Include request headers defined by the query param
            # `pass_headers=HEADER_NAMES` in the upstream request. This is
            # useful for passing data like cookie headers. HEADER_NAMES is a
            # comma-separated list of HTTP header names.
            headers = {}
            header_keys = query_params.get('pass_headers')
            if header_keys:
                for header_key in header_keys.split(','):
                    header_key = header_key.strip()
                    header_value = self.request.headers.get(header_key)
                    if header_value:
                        headers[header_key] = header_value

                client = get_http_client()
                response = await client.fetch(url, headers=headers,
            except ValueError as error:
                raise PublicError(400, str(error))
            # Only raised by the simple client and not by the cURL client.
            except OSError as error:
                raise PublicError(502,
                                  f'Could not fetch "{url}": {error}',
                                  'Could not fetch upstream content',
                                  extra={'url': url, 'cause': str(error)})

            # --- SIMPLE CLIENT ERRORS ----------------------------------------
            except tornado.simple_httpclient.HTTPTimeoutError:
                raise PublicError(504,
                                  f'Timed out while fetching "{url}"',
                                  'Could not fetch upstream content',
                                  extra={'url': url})
            except tornado.simple_httpclient.HTTPStreamClosedError:
                # Unfortunately we get pretty ambiguous info if the connection
                # was closed because we exceeded the max size. :(
                message = f'The connection was closed while fetching "{url}"'
                if client.max_body_size:
                    message += (f' -- this may have been caused by a large '
                                f'response (the maximum diffable response is '
                                f'{client.max_body_size} bytes)')
                raise PublicError(502,
                                  'Connection closed while fetching upstream',
                                  extra={'url': url,
                                         'max_size': client.max_body_size})

            # --- CURL CLIENT ERRORS ------------------------------------------
            except CurlError as error:
                # Documentation for cURL error codes:
                # PyCurl has constants named `E_*` vs. libcurl's `CURLE_*`
                if error.errno == pycurl.E_URL_MALFORMAT:
                    raise PublicError(400,
                                      'Invalid URL for cURL',
                                      extra={'url': url})
                # TODO: raise a nicer error from LimitedCurlAsyncHTTPClient
                elif error.errno == pycurl.E_FILESIZE_EXCEEDED:
                    raise PublicError(502,
                                      f'Upstream response too big for "{url}"'
                                      f'(max: {client.max_body_size} bytes)',
                                      'Upstream content too big',
                                      extra={'url': url,
                                             'max_size': client.max_body_size})
                elif (error.errno == pycurl.E_COULDNT_RESOLVE_PROXY
                      or error.errno == pycurl.E_COULDNT_CONNECT
                      or error.errno == 8  # E_WEIRD_SERVER_REPLY
                      or error.errno == pycurl.E_REMOTE_ACCESS_DENIED
                      or error.errno == pycurl.E_HTTP2):
                    raise PublicError(502,
                                      f'Could not fetch "{url}": {error}',
                                      'Could not fetch upstream content',
                                      extra={'url': url, 'cause': str(error)})
                elif error.errno == pycurl.E_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT:
                    raise PublicError(504,
                                      f'Timed out while fetching "{url}"',
                                      'Could not fetch upstream content',
                                      extra={'url': url})
                    raise PublicError(502,
                                      f'Unknown error fetching "{url}"',
                                      f'Unknown error fetching upstream content: {error}',
                                      extra={'url': url})

            # --- COMMON ERRORS SUPPORTED BY ALL CLIENTS ----------------------
            except tornado.httpclient.HTTPError as error:
                # If the response is actually coming from a web archive,
                # allow error codes. The Memento-Datetime header indicates
                # the response is an archived one, and not an actual failure
                # to respond with the desired content.
                if error.response is not None and \
                        error.response.headers.get('Memento-Datetime') is not None:
                    response = error.response
                    code = error.response and error.response.code
                    raise PublicError(502,
                                      (f'Received a {code or "?"} '
                                       f'status while fetching "{url}": '
                                      log_message='Could not fetch upstream content',
                                      extra={'type': 'UPSTREAM_ERROR',
                                             'url': url,
                                             'upstream_code': code})

        if response and expected_hash:
            actual_hash = hashlib.sha256(response.body).hexdigest()
            if actual_hash != expected_hash:
                raise PublicError(502,
                                  (f'Fetched content at "{url}" does not '
                                   f'match hash "{expected_hash}".'),
                                  log_message='Could not fetch upstream content',
                                  extra={'type': 'HASH_MISMATCH',
                                         'url': url,
                                         'expected_hash': expected_hash,
                                         'actual_hash': actual_hash})

        return response

    # TODO: we should split out all the management of the executor and diffing
    # (so this, get_diff_executor, caller, etc.) into a separate object owned
    # by the server so we don't need weird bits checking the server's
    # `terminating` state and so that all the parts are grouped together.
    async def diff(self, func, a, b, params, tries=2):
        Actually do a diff between two pieces of content, optionally retrying
        if the process pool that executes the diff breaks.
        executor = self.get_diff_executor()
        loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
        for attempt in range(tries):
                return await loop.run_in_executor(
                    executor, functools.partial(caller, func, a, b, **params))
            except concurrent.futures.process.BrokenProcessPool:
                if attempt + 1 < tries:
                    # There could be many diffs happening in parallel, so
                    # before trying to reset the process pool, make sure other
                    # parallel diffs haven't already done it. If it's already
                    # been reset, then we can just go and use the new one.
                    old_executor, executor = executor, self.get_diff_executor()
                    if executor == old_executor:
                        executor = self.get_diff_executor(reset=True)
                    # If we shouldn't allow the server to keep rebuilding the
                    # differ pool for new requests, schedule a shutdown.
                    # (*Schuduled* so that current requests have a chance to
                    # complete with an error.)
                    if not RESTART_BROKEN_DIFFER:
                        logger.error('Process pool for diffing has failed too '
                                     'many times; quitting server...')

    # NOTE: this doesn't do anything async, but if we change it to do so, we
    # need to add a lock (either asyncio.Lock or tornado.locks.Lock).
    def get_diff_executor(self, reset=False):
        if self.application.terminating:
            raise RuntimeError('Diff executor is being shut down.')

        executor = self.settings.get('diff_executor')
        if reset or not executor:
            if executor:
                    # NOTE: we don't need await this; we just want to make sure
                    # the old executor gets cleaned up.
                except Exception:
            executor = concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(
            self.settings['diff_executor'] = executor

        return executor

    def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs):
        response = {'code': status_code, 'error': self._reason}

        # Handle errors that are allowed to be public
        # TODO: this error filtering should probably be in `send_error()`
        actual_error = 'exc_info' in kwargs and kwargs['exc_info'][1] or None
        if isinstance(actual_error, (UndiffableContentError, UndecodableContentError)):
            response['code'] = 422
            response['error'] = str(actual_error)

        if 'extra' in kwargs:
        if isinstance(actual_error, PublicError):

        # Instances of PublicError and tornado.web.HTTPError won't get tracked
        # by Sentry by default, but we do want to track unexpected, server-side
        # issues. (Usually a non-HTTPError will have been raised in this case,
        # but PublicError can be used for special status codes.)
        if isinstance(actual_error, tornado.web.HTTPError) and response['code'] >= 500:
            with sentry_sdk.push_scope() as scope:
                # TODO: this breadcrumb should happen at the start of the
                # request handler, but we need to test and make sure crumbs are
                # properly attached to *this* HTTP request and don't bleed over
                # to others, since Sentry's special support for Tornado has
                # been dropped.
                headers = dict(self.request.headers)
                if 'Authorization' in headers:
                    headers['Authorization'] = '[removed]'
                sentry_sdk.add_breadcrumb(category='request', data={
                    'url': self.request.full_url(),
                    'method': self.request.method,
                    'headers': headers,
                sentry_sdk.add_breadcrumb(category='response', data=response)
                scope.level = 'info'

        # Fill in full info if configured to do so
        if self.settings.get('serve_traceback') and 'exc_info' in kwargs:
            response['error'] = str(kwargs['exc_info'][1])
            stack_lines = traceback.format_exception(*kwargs['exc_info'])
            response['stack'] = ''.join(stack_lines)

        if response['code'] != status_code:

def _extract_encoding(headers, content):
    encoding = None
    content_type = headers.get('Content-Type', '').lower()
    if 'charset=' in content_type:
        encoding = content_type.split('charset=')[-1]
    if not encoding:
        meta_tag_match =, endpos=2048)
        if meta_tag_match:
            encoding ='ascii', errors='ignore')
    if not encoding:
        prolog_match =, endpos=2048)
        if prolog_match:
            encoding ='ascii', errors='ignore')
    if encoding:
        encoding = encoding.strip()
    if not encoding and content:
        # try to identify encoding using cchardet. Use up to 18kb of the
        # content for detection. Its not necessary to use the full content
        # as it could be huge. Also, if you use too little, detection is not
        # accurate.
        detected = cchardet.detect(content[:18432])
        if detected:
            detected_encoding = detected.get('encoding')
            if detected_encoding:
                encoding = detected_encoding.lower()

    # Handle common mistakes and errors in encoding names
    if encoding == 'iso-8559-1':
        encoding = 'iso-8859-1'
    # Windows-1252 is so commonly mislabeled, WHATWG recommends assuming it's a
    # mistake:
    if encoding == 'iso-8859-1' and 'html' in content_type:
        encoding = 'windows-1252'
    # Check if the selected encoding is known. If not, fallback to default.
    except (LookupError, ValueError, TypeError):
        encoding = 'utf-8'
    return encoding

def _decode_body(response, name, raise_if_binary=True):
    encoding = _extract_encoding(response.headers, response.body)
    text = response.body.decode(encoding, errors='replace')
    text_length = len(text)
    if text_length == 0:
        return text

    # Replace null terminators; some differs (especially those written in C)
    # don't handle them well in the middle of a string.
    text = text.replace('\u0000', '\ufffd')

    # If a significantly large portion of the document was totally undecodable,
    # it's likely this wasn't text at all, but binary data.
    if raise_if_binary and text.count('\ufffd') / text_length > 0.25:
        raise UndecodableContentError(f'The response body of `{name}` could not be decoded as {encoding}.')

    return text

def caller(func, a, b, **query_params):
    A translation layer between HTTPResponses and differ functions.

    func : callable
        a 'differ' function
    a : tornado.httpclient.HTTPResponse
    b : tornado.httpclient.HTTPResponse
        additional parameters parsed from the REST diffing request

    The function `func` may expect required and/or optional arguments. Its
    signature serves as a dependency injection scheme, specifying what it
    needs from the HTTPResponses. The following argument names have special

    * a_url, b_url: URL of HTTP request
    * a_body, b_body: Raw HTTP reponse body (bytes)
    * a_text, b_text: Decoded text of HTTP response body (str)
    * a_headers, b_headers: Dict of HTTP headers

    Any other argument names in the signature will take their values from the
    REST query parameters.
    # Supplement the query_parameters from the REST call with special items
    # extracted from `a` and `b`.
    query_params.setdefault('a_url', a.request.url)
    query_params.setdefault('b_url', b.request.url)
    query_params.setdefault('a_body', a.body)
    query_params.setdefault('b_body', b.body)
    query_params.setdefault('a_headers', a.headers)
    query_params.setdefault('b_headers', b.headers)

    # The differ's signature is a dependency injection scheme.
    sig = inspect.signature(func)

    raise_if_binary = not query_params.get('ignore_decoding_errors', False)
    if 'a_text' in sig.parameters:
            _decode_body(a, 'a', raise_if_binary=raise_if_binary))
    if 'b_text' in sig.parameters:
            _decode_body(b, 'b', raise_if_binary=raise_if_binary))

    kwargs = dict()
    for name, param in sig.parameters.items():
            kwargs[name] = query_params[name]
        except KeyError:
            if param.default is inspect._empty:
                # This is a required argument.
                raise KeyError("{} requires a parameter {} which was not "
                               "provided in the query"
                               "".format(func.__name__, name))
    return func(**kwargs)

class IndexHandler(BaseHandler):

    async def get(self):
        # TODO Show swagger API or Markdown instead.
        info = {'diff_types': list(DIFF_ROUTES),
                'version': web_monitoring_diff.__version__}

class HealthCheckHandler(BaseHandler):

    async def get(self):
        # TODO Include more information about health here.
        # The 200 repsonse code with an empty object is just a liveness check.

[docs] def make_app(): """ Create and return a Tornado application object that serves diffs. """ class BoundDiffHandler(DiffHandler): differs = DIFF_ROUTES return DiffServer([ (r"/healthcheck", HealthCheckHandler), (r"/([A-Za-z0-9_]+)", BoundDiffHandler), (r"/", IndexHandler), ], debug=DEBUG_MODE, compress_response=True, diff_executor=None)
def start_app(port): """ Create and start the diff server on a given port. This is a blocking call -- it starts an event loop for the server and does not return until the server has shut down. For more control, use :func:`create_app`. Parameters ---------- port : int The port to listen on. """ app = make_app() print(f'Starting server on port {port}') app.listen(port) with Signal((signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM), app.handle_signal): tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current().start()
[docs] def cli(): """ Start the diff server from the CLI. This will parse the current process's arguments, start an event loop, and begin serving. """ parser = ArgumentParser(description='Start a diffing server.') parser.add_argument('--version', action='store_true', help='Show version information') parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=8888, help='Port to listen on') arguments = parser.parse_args() if arguments.version: print(web_monitoring_diff.__version__) return start_app(arguments.port)
if __name__ == '__main__': cli()